Monday, April 14, 2014

Yeah, But... I Can't Afford SEO!

Search Engine Guide

April 14, 2014

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Stoney deGeyter

Yeah, But...I Can't Afford SEO!

by Stoney deGeyter

In many ways I'm an extremely budget-conscious person. I don't like spending money when I can get the same thing cheaper and just as easily. But, over the years, I began to discover a timeless truth: You truly do get what you pay for!

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Stoney deGeyter

A Simple Overview of Meta Tags

by Stoney deGeyter

It always amazes me at the number of people I come across who equate SEO with "adding keywords to meta tags." As if SEO is a bag of magic beans that when properly placed, grow your site to a #1 ranking--you know, where the goose that lays the golden eggs lives. I've seen that movie, and it's called a fairy tale for a reason. It's just not true!

Jayson DeMers

How Schema Helps Your SEO Campaign

by Jayson DeMers

Every business, regardless of where you stand, is interested in growing and upping customer leads; your website is the perfect conductor for this. Schema data can optimize your SEO, which in turn can cause an increase in targeted search traffic, which results in more customer leads. But what is Schema data anyway?

Jayson DeMers

Survey: 83% of Businesses Aren't Prepared for Online Threats

by Jayson DeMers

Following Target's data breach, in which the financial and personal data of 40 million Americans was leaked online, cyber security has been the focal point of businesses everywhere - or so we've been told.

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