Thursday, April 28, 2011

Search Engine Guide - Dirty Little Secret of Conversions

Search Engine Guide

April 28, 2011

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Stoney deGeyter

The Dirty Little Secret of Conversions: It's About Relationships

by Stoney deGeyter

There are a lot of things that go into operating a successful business. But, when it's all said and done, the thing that really matters most is building relationships. Sure, your customers are concerned about price, quality, service, etc., but the most successful businesses are those that work to create some kind of strong rapport with both their customers and potential customers alike.

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Stoney deGeyter

The Dirty Little Secret of Conversions, Part 2: Understand Your Customers Want

by Stoney deGeyter

Business building is about relationship building. In order to get and keep customers, you must be able to build some kind of relationship with them. After all, you want to be different than the 100's or 1000's of others all selling the same product or service. Once you open up the door to relationships with your customers, you create a comfort level and familiarity that continues to bring people back.

Mike Moran

What's keeping Google up at night?

by Mike Moran

Some of you might read the title of this story and ask, "How could anything be keeping Google up at night? They are literally making billions." And you have a point. But ask yourself something. Can you remember when you were making half what you are making now? Some of us lucky people can remember when we were making one-tenth of what we make now. But do you feel comfortable now? Nothing worries you? Just sailing along, happy with your success? Nope. You might want more or you might be afraid of losing what you have, but you are worried...

Mike Fleming

Dynamic Keyword Research - Stay in Front of Your Competition

by Mike Fleming

Google has this tool called Insights for Search.  At first glance, it looks like a pretty simple, fairly unsophisticated tool that just tells you if search volume is going up or down for a particular keyword or group of keywords.  Not many insights there, right?  I mean, all you really have to do for search engine marketing is keyword research with one of the many tools available to you out there and you can easily line up the keywords that you want to go after by search intent and volume, right?...

Stoney deGeyter

...But I Don't HAVE a Coupon!

by Stoney deGeyter

Have you ever been to a site where, you've shopped around, found what you wanted, and when you went to check-out, they asked you to enter your coupon code number? WTH! You don't HAVE a coupon! But, you know that, somewhere out there, a coupon can be found!

Stoney deGeyter

Why Expectations Factor Into SEO Success

by Stoney deGeyter

SEO has gotten an ugly rep over the years. Some of it deserved, some not so much. Unfortunately, many good SEOs get lumped into the same category as the bad ones. Kinda like lawyers, I suspect.

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Mike Moran

What if my competitor is cheating at SEO?

by Mike Moran

It's a question that comes up all the time, but there hasn't been a good answer to it. There are painstaking ways that you can analyze your competitor's Web site for signs of elementary cheating, such as hidden text, keyword stuffing, and other simple forms of search spam, but don't bother. The search engines do a reasonably good job of sniffing those out themselves nowadays. But what about the big-time search spammer? What about someone who has set up an elaborate network of linking sites all designed to rank his site higher and your site lower? How can you catch...

Miriam Ellis

Local And Social Require Heart - Does Google Qualify?

by Miriam Ellis

Does Google, the tin man of the Internet, with its algo-centric, data-centric mindset really fit into the Local/Social picture?...

Mike Fleming

Paid Search News - Take More Control of Your Advertising

by Mike Fleming

The latest news to keep you ahead of the competition in managing your paid search advertising......

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