Monday, January 30, 2012

Search Engine Guide - Your Local SEO Checklist For 2012

Search Engine Guide

January 31, 2012

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Miriam Ellis

Your Local SEO Checklist For 2012!

by Miriam Ellis

Be a woman or man with a plan for Local in 2012 with these 10 sensible, empowering tips!...

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Miriam Ellis

The Shady Practice Of Spinning Articles To Avoid Duplicate Content Penalties

by Miriam Ellis

Why substitute the word 'canine' for 'dog' isn't your most intelligent marketing choice....

Mike Fleming

Don't Waste Time Looking at Web Data Until You Do This

by Mike Fleming

Your business is different than everyone else's, so why would you look at the same measurements of success as everyone else?  Everyone looks at visitors to their site, but what does that tell you about how your business is doing?...

Stoney deGeyter

The Difference between Good SEO and Great SEO

by Stoney deGeyter

Some quick-witted wisdom about good vs. better when it comes to SEO.

Mike Fleming

Where You Should Invest Your Web Marketing Budget

by Mike Fleming

...the bottom line for magnificent success is the people...invest multiple times more in her or him, or more of them, if you truly want to take action on your data. Otherwise, you are simply data rich and information poor...a great tool in the hands of your reporting squirrel is useless.  A free/inexpensive/underpowered tool in the hands of your analysis ninja will yield massive results that impact your bottom line......

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Mike Moran

Editing: Is social media realtime or permanent?

by Mike Moran

As social media has (somewhat) matured, an interesting culture has grown up around the idea of editing social media content. And for reasons that I don't understand, it isn't one culture--it seems as though every kind of social media has developed its own culture around editing content. It is as if we can't decide whether social media is a realtime force that is stream of consciousness and should never be changed, or it is a permanent record of activity that ought to be updated as it changes, or something in between.

Jennifer Cario

6 Reasons 2012 is the Perfect Time for Social Media

by Jennifer Cario

As we roll into 2012 companies are looking at ways to either boost their social media campaigns, or in some cases, launch them for the first time. One of the big questions they have is whether or not they're too late to the game. While I'm not going to lie and say it's the easiest it's ever been to get in the game, I can say more companies will find it easier to get involved today than they ever have before...

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