Saturday, March 31, 2012

Search Engine Guide - Why Google's Latest Updates Matter to SEOs

Search Engine Guide

March 31, 2012

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Todd Bailey

Why Google's Latest Updates Matter to SEOs

by Todd Bailey

This February, Google made 40 changes to their search technology and in doing so, gave SEOs much to anticipate going forward. Not only has the latest update to Panda made an impact on how content is filtered, but the other 39 updates to Google's algorithm are also expected to change the search engine optimization landscape. These updates are actually intended to improve search results and create a better user experience, but as with any updates to Google Search, they can still affect SEO strategies....

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Mike Fleming

Your Analytics Tool May Be Lying to You

by Mike Fleming

Let's say your site contains iphone app reviews. Your goal for the 4th quarter of 2011 was to increase your website traffic and conversions by 8% compared to the third quarter. The results? +10%. Time to do the happy dance? Not so fast my friend! This is a common point of failure of many site owners. They analyze their data in the silo of their web analytics tool. This can cause you to misjudge what is truly going on because you are lacking the context of your industry ecosystem....

Todd Bailey

The Demands of Brand Expansion

by Todd Bailey

Running a business is tiring. There's a lot to consider. Compression and expansion are two points. We see it in search engine optimization. Technology provides the tools for international expansion; international reach is only an investment in the necessary implementations away. But ISEO does need to address something in-America services do not - cultural differences....

Todd Bailey

How Important is Online Visibility?

by Todd Bailey

In 2012, it's hard to imagine a company without an Internet presence. From the world's most prominent brand names to small, local businesses; most companies have already made the transition to the Web and many more are expanding their websites, social networking profiles and online storefronts. The Internet serves as a massive, worldwide promotional tool and its scale and reach are simply far too great to be ignored in the digital age. While thousands of companies around the world are fortifying their online identities, some are still struggling to be noticed. Internet marketing companies adamantly insist that visibility take the...

Mike Fleming

Understanding the Real Story of Your Business on the Web

by Mike Fleming

In the early days of the web, all interaction with a business online happened in one place - on their website. Businesses would create content, put it on their site, and followers would come to the site and consume the new content. Measuring success was rather easy at this point. You simply tagged your site and one analytics tool would collect all of your data for analysis. Of course, we know this has all changed....

Jennifer Cario

Kotex Gets Creative with Pinterest Campaign

by Jennifer Cario

Whenever a new social media channel comes out, there's always this period of waiting with baited breath while we see how marketers are going to utilize it. It's almost like the first really big campaign both gives the site legitimacy and helps remind us of the full potential. While we've all been talking about Pinterest for months, a recent campaign from Kotex is winning quite a bit of endorsement as the first totally awesome Pinterest campaign. ...

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Stoney deGeyter

SEO is Out! Inbound Marketing is in?

by Stoney deGeyter

It seems to be getting more and more difficult to define what exactly SEO is. Is it on-page optimization? Link building? Conversion optimization? Or is just about rankings, and leave the rest of that stuff to someone else?

Mike Fleming

Ways You Might Not Listen to Your Site's Customers

by Mike Fleming

As every good website owner knows, collecting data and seeing what happens leaves out an all-important piece of the puzzle. To truly take action on the data you've now collected, you need to know why it is the way it is...If you really want to know how to make your site experience better, you can't just look at your data. You've got to get the voice of your customer....

Mike Moran

No more SEO worries for dynamic content?

by Mike Moran

If you care about how your site is found in organic search, you must spend some of your time thinking about search engine optimization (SEO). In the olden days (2005), certain kinds of content had no shot of showing up in the search index (and thus, could never be found). But in recent years, more and more dynamic content is showing up in Google's search index, as Google makes its spider smarter and smarter. So, now there's nothing to worry about with dynamic content, right? Not quite....

Stoney deGeyter

What SEOs REALLY Do...

by Stoney deGeyter

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