Thursday, February 28, 2013

Search Engine Guide - Solid Social Media Goals

Search Engine Guide

February 28, 2013

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Jennifer Cario

Are Your Supposed Social Media Goals Distracting You?

by Jennifer Cario

It's 2013. We've been working on this thing called social media for about five or six years now. As marketers and as business owners, we're not only wrapping our heads around the infinite engagement possibilities, we're also finally beginning to possess the tools that allow us to gather real data about the value of our efforts....

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Nick Stamoulis

How Much Longer Will Your "Easy" Link Building Tactics Really Work?

by Nick Stamoulis

I know that it's very easy to get tempted to invest in some of those "easy" link building tactics because, after all, if it worked for that guy and he's getting away with it why can't I, right? But in my experience those sites that "get away with it" tend to be the exceptions, not the rule. In my opinion it's not a question of will those guys get caught; it's really only a matter of when....

Stoney deGeyter

Hiring an SEO? Look Out For These 7 Red Flags (And Run Away If You Find Them)

by Stoney deGeyter

Comparing SEOs is sometimes as difficult as comparing beef enchiladas made with a red sauce to chicken enchiladas with a cream sauce. I mean, they are both from the enchilada family and probably pretty tasty, but there can only be one winner!

Nick Stamoulis

Ramping Up Your Seasonal SEO

by Nick Stamoulis

Summertime may not be just around the corner, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel! If your peak business season is the summertime(businesses such as beach front hotels, ice cream parlors, landscaping companies, etc) then you need to make sure your seasonal SEO is in tip-top shape and ready to capitalize on the changing search behavior of your target audience. For businesses that are heavily impacted by seasonality, it's important to start thinking about your seasonal SEO efforts long before your busy season every actually arrives because by the time the season hits it's too late...

Avoid The AdWords Idiot Tax

Is Google charging you too much to advertise? Find out by using this free calculator.

Mike Fleming

How Giving Away Free Stuff Online (and everywhere else) Can Work

by Mike Fleming

There are many cultural forces built into every society that has ever existed on the planet. Some are stronger in certain societies than others. One of them is called the rule of reciprocity. It says that a person (or group) should try to repay what another person has provided. More simply put, if someone does something for you, you have a natural tendency to want to do something for them....

Mike Moran

Should I republish content on my blog?

by Mike Moran

We like to tell ourselves that blogs are this breathtakingly new way of communicating with customers unlike anything we've ever seen before. And, to some extent, that's true. But if you are a veteran of electronic or even paper newsletters, I'll excuse you for not being so bowled over. You've been doing this for years and you know how it's done. One of the things you know is that coming up with fresh content takes work, and one of your secrets is re-publishing content originally published elsewhere. But should you do that on your blog?...

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