Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Search Engine Guide - Google's Disavow Link Tool

Search Engine Guide

October 31, 2012

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Nick Stamoulis

Google's Disavow Link Tool is Not a Reset Button for Your Link Profile

by Nick Stamoulis

Google recently introduced a new tool to disavow links and many site owners (especially those who were impacted by Penguin) jumped for joy. I have to admit that I am also really excited at the prospect of being able to tell Google "hey, I didn't build/don't want this link, please don't consider it when ranking my site." So the disavow link tool should be a godsend to websites of all shapes and sizes, as well as SEO providers, right? Not necessarily....

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Mike Fleming

Search Retargeting: Grow Search Marketing Beyond Search Engines

by Mike Fleming

In my last post, I talked about why people who search on your site keywords but don't visit your website aren't necessarily lost forever.  It is possible to have a second chance to make your first impression by doing search retargeting and showing display ads to those users after they have searched.  This is huge because, even if you rank first and/or have multiple listings (organic, PPC, shopping, etc.), only a small portion of those searchers make it to your site.  This is a huge pool of prospects that you can re-engage....

Mike Moran

Internet Marketers Must Listen Before They Speak

by Mike Moran

As marketers, we spend a lot of time thinking about our message, as well we should. Our job is to tell prospective customers how we can help them, so we focus on what we say. The Internet has turned the tables on marketers, however. Time was that marketing messages were conceived by extremely creative people to get attention for products, but now, listening to what customers say and do are just as important as creativity. Old-time marketers have always listened to a few customers in focus groups, so you can think of the Internet is the biggest focus group of...

Dave Cosper

Google+ Local: Competing for Visibility

by Dave Cosper

Google's shift to Google+ Local has been indicative of a more democratized local algorithm. Further evidence is Google Map Maker being increasingly relied on as the back-end for Google+ Local. Looking ahead, edits/updates/reporting will likely be wholly integrated into Google+ Local dashboard with Map Maker serving as the back-end "mapper-driven" verification tool....

Stoney deGeyter

How to Find Core Keywords For Effective Online Marketing

by Stoney deGeyter

There are many angles and avenues for researching keywords for your online marketing efforts. Some people focus on numbers such as search volume or keyword competition. Others might focus on the tools you use to dig up obscure keywords to target. While these may be good keyword metrics to consider, focusing on the keywords themselves should be the most important focus...

Nick Stamoulis

Don't Risk Your Business with Cheap Hosting

by Nick Stamoulis

Every minute offline means missed visitors which turn into missed dollars, especially for an e-commerce site. I know that most small businesses are operating on a tight budget, which means you're trying to cut corners wherever you can, but trust me when I say that your hosting company is not the place to be pinching pennies!...

Avoid The AdWords Idiot Tax

Is Google charging you too much to advertise? Find out by using this free calculator.

Stoney deGeyter

How to Optimize a Web Page in 7 Easy Steps

by Stoney deGeyter

On-page optimization is the easiest, most learnable aspect of search engine optimization. But like all "easy" things, we sometimes forget that you can still do them wrong. Easy doesn't always mean simple. Yet, many complex tasks can be made easy with a good process...

Mike Fleming

Redeeming Customers that Bypassed Your Search Results

by Mike Fleming

First, I'll state the obvious... You do search engine marketing because 80% of web activity starts with a search.  You know the more you can appear in front of your target audience based on the search query they perform, the more customers you will acquire (assuming your company and website do their jobs).You also know the higher you rank for those search queries, the more you will show up, as searchers typically aren't patient enough or don't have the time to deep dive with search engine results.  Even if you are the best solution out there, if you don't show...

Mike Moran

The Danger of Internet Marketing Autopilot

by Mike Moran

One of my kids approached me, book in hand, asking, "What's the difference between a possum and an opossum?" I was busy doing something else, so I languidly replied, "They are the same, but opossums are Irish." Yes, I could have Googled it to find out. I could have told him I didn't know and told him to look it up. I could have at least engaged. But I was too distracted or too lazy to do it. It was autopilot parenting. Luckily, my son shook his head and went off to figure it out on his own (because he...

Todd Bailey

Using Social Media as a Supplement to Your Search Strategy

by Todd Bailey

The search engine optimization and social media worlds continue to become interconnected. Many online marketing professionals are complimenting their traditional search strategies with more robust social media campaigns to maximize their reach. It looks like at least one major search giant is acknowledging that businesses want to see results from social media efforts....

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