Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Hurricane Sandy - Incisive Media Update

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Dear Valued Customer,

New York City and the tri-state area in general are still reeling from the devastation caused by hurricane Sandy. Slowly but surely, pockets of communities are getting power and communications back. However, some communities are still dealing with the damage in the most basic of conditions. Our thoughts and prayers are with those who have been hit the worst by this catastrophe.

The US headquarters of ClickZ.com, SearchEngineWatch.com and SES Conference & Expo is based in lower Manhattan and our office building was closed until today, November 6. Many of our employees have been without power, water and basic essentials, as well as not being able to travel due to public transportation stoppages. That said, they have shown great spirit by sharing resources as best they can, grouping together wherever possible and keeping themselves safe, as well as managing to keep the business running remotely. And for this we thank them enormously.

Our publications have continued to generate good, relevant content during this period and plans for our next major conference, SES Chicago are running as per schedule. And although the business is still running from various locations, from home bases to public libraries with internet connections, the team has done a splendid job of maintaining contact and communication with our subscribers and our customers.

Phone communication at our office building is still down. But if you need to contact your usual company rep or connection, please use the following emails:

Sales:   Elaine Mershon
Peter Westerholm
Elaine Romeo
Client Services:   JoAnn Simonelli   joann.simonelli@incisivemedia.com
Operations:   Kim Kiedaisch   kim.kiedaisch@incisivemedia.com

And, of course, please feel free to contact me or Mike Grehan directly with any questions at all regarding any area of Incisive Media business in the New York office.

Thank you to everyone not impacted by the storm for your thoughtful messages and continued support. Our office team may hail from all over the world, but we're glued together and motivated by the strength of spirit in the great city of New York.


Matt McGowan | matthew.mcgowan@incisivemedia.com
MD Incisive Media | 646 215 1255

Mike Grehan | mike.grehan@incisivemedia.com
Publisher | 347 560 9341

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Incisive Interactive Marketing LLC.
55 Broad Street, 22nd Floor
New York, NY 10004

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