May 20, 2009 - Navigation: Articles - Readers Respond - Video - Small Biz Talk Go Link Yourself!by Diane AullWhy do webmasters and site owners spend so much time obsessing over external links, and so little time even thinking about their internal site navigation?...
Chimney Sweep - Crossing The Lineby David CarberryWow - I am completely shocked how businesses in today's "quick to the web world" can still cross the line. Don't they understand that everyone they do work for has the power to say the good, the bad and the ugly. This is what I would consider an ugly situation.... Marketing to the Smartby Mike MoranMost companies I work with market only to smart people. I mean what do you have against us dunces anyway? I know you'll deny it, but if I look at your Web site, I bet you're as guilty as the rest. If you don't believe me, read on.... Top 500 Search Engine Keywords Of The Week - May 20, 2009by Robert CloughThis week's list of the top 500 most frequently searched keywords.... Return to the Top of this Page
Return to the Top of this Page In response to... Marketing to the SmartI just had this problem with a site I was trying to SEO. The client kept telling me that I shouldn't try to define what they sell because all of their potential customers would already know. I tried to tell them that that wasn't the point. Maybe if I'd had this article then they would've understood! Great post. Next time I'll have it. Cathy Reisenwitz In response to... Make Money Giving Things Away For FreeI can tell you that for us personally, the concept of buy this...get this for free, has increased sales and it is a sales method that I would recommend. We were giving away an organic tote with the purchase of our bamboo sheets ...this resulted in more sales or...I should say more specifically, a higher conversion rate on that particular product. We are currently experimenting with other sales or specials of the like. DouglasDiner In response to... Showing All the Right People All the Wrong ThingsMay I suggest the "daughter" approach. That is the younger, more Web savvy to evaluate. We have tried this technique which has brought a lot of insight good information into our Web building techniques. Judy Return to the Top of this Page Free SEO ToolsThinking of buying SEO software? Then try the best SEO tools free first! Directory: Show off your website Express Submit today.Quality directories like offer you strong search engine exposure. WoW DirectoryPowerful and affordable directory marketing services. Submit your website today! Return to the Top of this Page SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION Google Japan Caught Buying Paid Links Domain Name QuestionsSOCIAL MEDIA The Definitive Guide To Twitter Opt Out Of Automated Twitter DMs Using A Link In Twitter's Automated Thank You DM Simple Ways To Measure Your Social Media EffortsCOPYWRITING Using Exclamation Points In CopySMALL BUSINESS ISSUES Netbook RecommendationsPREVIOUS WEEK Small Business Forum Update For May 13, 2009 (If you like our search engine news, you'll love our small business news.) Return to the Top of this Page
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