Thursday, May 7, 2009

SES Conferences, Workshops and Webinars Update

Search Engine Strategies Conferences, Training Sessions & Webcasts
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Search Engine Strategies SES Conferences | SES Training | Webcasts

The search landscape is constantly evolving. To stay ahead of your competitors, you need to stay informed with the latest strategies and trends. From conferences to workshops to webinars, we have a program designed to fit your educational needs and budget.


SES Toronto - SAVE $150 CAD
June 8-10, 2009 | Sheraton Centre Toronto
Event Home | Agenda | SEM Training

SES Toronto is returning for its 6th year, with a program designed to appeal to new, intermediate, and seasoned professionals seeking to advance their SEM and SEO skills. This years line up is also featuring a the new Geek Track sessions which takes the conversation to the next level on advanced topics, the years biggest trends, and the future of search. Register now!

SES San Jose - SAVE $600
Aug 10-14, 2009 | McEnery Convention Center
Event Home | Agenda | SEO Training | SEM Training

SES San Jose will be packed in excess of 70+ sessions, and is expecting to attract near 6,000 search and digital enthusiasts for 2009. Our program promises to include more advanced session topics than ever before, extreme makeover site clinics for personalized feedback, and networking environments to help you connect with your community. Register now!

SEO Training: Basics to Advanced
June 16, 2009 | Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, NYC

Known for making even the most confusing SEO-related subjects seem simple; Matt Bailey directs this one-day training workshop, covering everything from website obstacles to understanding keywords and visitors. Register now!


How to Select a Search Management Vendor for your Large PPC Program
Thursday, May 14 @ 1pm EST, 10am PST

Sponsored by
Marin Software
How do you find just the right management application, agency, or vendor to take your large pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns to the next level while minimizing the growing complexity? Learn how to avoid the pitfalls of selecting a 3rd party application solution in this ground-breaking webcast. Register now!

High Performance Landing Pages: Techniques for Improving Landing Page

Wednesday, May 20 @ 1pm EDT, 10am PDT

Sponsored by
ion interactive
A high-performance landing page program can dramatically increase online conversions and revolutionize online marketing ROI. Register now!

How to Build a Top-Notch Business Blog
Thursday, May 21 @ 1pm EDT, 10am PDT

Sponsored by
This webinar will cover tips on how to turn your blog into a powerful tool for your business, helping you engage customers in a conversation while also improving your search engine rankings. Register now!
Free HubSpot 7-Day Trial

Join our Community: LinkedIn Facebook Search Engine Watch

Upcoming Events:

May 8
OMS Philadelphia, PA

Jun. 8-10
SES Toronto - SAVE $150 CAD

Aug. 10-14
SES San Jose - SAVE $600

Dec. 7-10
SES Chicago


Jun. 16
SEM Training New York

Online Workshops

May 12
How to Get SEO Love Through Blogs and RSS Feeds

May 28
20 Ways to Apply Social Media Marketing to Your SEO Strategy - Today

FREE Webinars

May 14
How to Select a Search Management Vendor for your Large PPC Program

May 20
High Performance Landing Pages: Techniques for Improving Landing Page Conversions

May 21
How to Build a Top-Notch Business Blog

Sponsorship/Exhibiting Opportunities
phone: +1 212-457-7794

Registration Questions

Incisive Media Plc

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