Thursday, January 21, 2010

Search Engine Guide - Is Google's Nexus One Right for Your Business?

Search Engine Guide

January 21, 2010 - Navigation: Articles - Readers Respond - Video - Small Biz Talk

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Miriam Ellis

24 Hours With Google's Nexus One

by Miriam Ellis -  Tweet This!  Tweet This!

A non-techy perspective on my day one with the Nexus One. Thinking of buying your first smart phone for the benefit of your small business? This article is for you!...


The Official Link Building Mastermind Program is Coming!

   Sage Lewis just finished the Beta release of the program with wild success.

   The full course will be coming soon.

   Learn more and get the free in-depth video "The 2 Reasons why people fail link building and how to fix it.."

Jennifer Laycock

New Data on Twitter Usage Can Strengthen Your Twitter Outreach

by Jennifer Laycock -  Tweet This!  Tweet This!

HubSpot has released their Third Annual State of the Twittersphere report and for those of us who keep tabs on Twitter from both the marketing and social interaction perspective the results are interesting.

Stoney deGeyter

SEO 101: Everything You Need to Know About SEO (But Were Afraid to Ask) - Part 1

by Stoney deGeyter -  Tweet This!  Tweet This!

The trick with going back to the basics is deciding what gets included and what doesn't. The SEO information in this series are those things which I consider essential. And perhaps that's a better way to look at this, not as SEO 101 but rather, SEO Essentials.

Stoney deGeyter

SEO 101: Everything You Need to Know About SEO (But Were Afraid to Ask) - Part 2

by Stoney deGeyter -  Tweet This!  Tweet This!

The title tag is the single most important piece of SEO real estate on your site. A title tag can be as long as you want, but you only have about 63 characters before the search engines cut it off. So use it wisely.

Mike Moran

Does Your Small Business Think Local?

by Mike Moran -  Tweet This!  Tweet This!

For a long time, small businesses struggled with search marketing, because to succeed, they had to specialize, rather than being all things to all people in a local area. That's still good advice, but changes in how people use search (and in how search engines work) are suddenly making your location every bit as important as your specialty, at least for some businesses....

Stoney deGeyter

Forget SEO, You Need SPO: Search Person Optimization

by Stoney deGeyter -  Tweet This!  Tweet This!

But today's SEO goes so far beyond optimizing for the search engines. Rankings matter, but so does site performance, visitor engagement and conversions.

Jennifer Laycock

Google Local Business Listings are Being Hijacked Again

by Jennifer Laycock -  Tweet This!  Tweet This!

It's happened before and it will probably happen again. Nearly a year after local search gurus reported on a major hijacking problem with Google Local Business listings, reports are popping up all over again about a fresh crop of hijacked listings.

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Video Cast

Sage Lewis

Sage will be back soon.

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Readers Respond

In response to... Google Local Business Listings are Being Hijacked Again

Thanks for covering this Jen, apparently the Googlers are working to fix this hole at the moment :)

@Marita: yes you CAN fix it. This is exactly what happened to our listing, basically they have claimed your listing. What you need to do is reclaim your listing, change the phone number in you Google local business centre to let's say your home number (just for 5 min), when you do that it will prompt the re-verification process and it will ask you to verify via phone etc. Do that, then change it back to your business phone number (you might have to do the re-verification part again, which I know is a pain in the ass but it's worth it). Basically when you have to re-verify your listing it will take away any association with your hijackers listing. Should be back up and running in a few hours. It is a pain to have to be doing this though and Google should be fixing it.

Lisa Myers
SEO Chicks
The SEO Blog with Attitude

In response to... The Death of the Professional, Brought to You by Google

Right now too many people don't even get that the search results are crap. I guess this is all based on what people are using the Internet for. If it's for information, I'm standing in line right behind you asking for more quality. Google's gotta get it together.

If it's for shopping, not so much. I know I'm in a niche market and would love to rank better with more generalized keywords, but I purposely tend to look at results 21-40 when I am shopping for anything just to make sure I'm not missing anything. (Call me nostalgic...) I'm not. I still get to sites that are organized poorly, are hard to shop from, look like they are a third-grader's "special summer project," or are company-instead-of-customer-centered.

Love your articles--SEG is the only email from my SEO subscriptions I click right through when I get them in my inbox. I've relied the most on it for education in my continual SEO self-training.

Carolyn Schlicher
Get Real Liquid Vitamins

In response to... 10 Search Engines Powered by Twitter

Your Twitter post is good and brings up some valid points, glad I found your post! I believe that social media is going to be the future home for any and all advertising and marketing. With Google's real-time search and other search engines catching on quickly you will see many SEO Companies becoming Twitter SEO Companies very soon! I wrote a post that you may be interested to read about Twitter SEO

I am an avid Twitter user and focus on building the value that I add to the rest of my social network, I help to promote any and everyone that asks me for help (as long as they are not loco in la cabessa!). I believe that optimizing your profiles is very important, just as optimizing your website is, but the most important part of any SEO efforts is having quality content. The same goes for Twitter, you need quality content and updates for people to read and link to. If you tweet about the right subjects you will notice more and more incoming links to your twitter profile when your tweets start being republished on other people's blogs (provides some temporary page rank). Also you can do your own personal "Social Media Press Release" and some good old fashioned article directory link building with your Twitter profile.

Social media is the first step to an "open-source" media and news. My twitter username is @gohewitt for anyone looking to follow. I am excited to see what comes of all of this and feel that we still don't have a clue what being "Connected" really means just yet!

Twitter SEO
Florida SEO Company

In response to... Creating Good Localized Copy, Without Much Hassle

Local terms and regional names are important for my clients, and they are finally realizing that they have to include the terms "Washington DC," "Northern Virginia" and "Maryland' into more than just their tags.

Many of them also don't realize their local business listing in Google and Yelp, for example are theirs to be claimed and personalized with keyword terms.

Great post, thanks.

Nancy E. Wigal
Search Engine Academy Washington DC
Certifies You in SEO in 2, 3 or 5 Days

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Thinking of buying SEO software? Then try the best SEO tools free first!

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Powerful and affordable directory marketing services. Submit your website today!

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Recent Conversations In Our Small Business Forum
A list of popular small business forum conversations from the last week.

FedEx Express Canada Launches Small Business Support Program
The 10 Commandments For Marketing Failure
The 10 Best Collaborative Web Tools for Business
Are There Any New SEO Techniques
How To Optimize Your Own Website For Bing
What Is The Best SEO Website Community
Forums Or Directory Listings As Backlinks
Ramping Up Blog Promotion
Startup Equity For Employees
Small Business Forum Update For January 12, 2010

(If you like our search engine news, you'll love our small business news.)

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The Official Link Building Mastermind Program is Coming!

Sage Lewis just finished the Beta release of the program with wild success.

The full course will be coming soon.

Learn more and get the free in-depth video "The 2 Reasons why people fail link building and how to fix it.."

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