Thursday, September 30, 2010

Webcast: The Total Economic Impact of ClearSaleing

Join us for a free webinar - October 5
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SES Webcasts

The Total Economic Impact of ClearSaleing
Tuesday, October 5 @ 1:00pm EDT / 10:00am PDT
FREE Webcast | Register now!

Forrester Consulting recently examined the total economic impact and potential ROI that enterprises may realize by deploying ClearSaleing's advanced advertising analytics and attribution management platform. Join us for this free webinar to see the full analysis and how ClearSaleing's customers have benefited from implementing it's attribution management solution, including:

  • Methodology of the TEI
  • How attribution increased profitability
  • Credit where credit is due is the obvious benefit and here's why
  • Other benefits aside from giving credit where credit is due
  • The competitive advantage of having this solution in place

Emily Riley Emily Riley
Senior Analyst

Adam Goldberg Adam Goldberg
co-founder and CIO

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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Search Engine Guide - What Your Competition Knows That You Don't

Search Engine Guide

September 29, 2010 - Navigation: Articles - Small Biz Talk

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Stoney deGeyter

What Does Your Competition Know That You Don't?

by Stoney deGeyter

Your competition should play an important role in your research before you move forward with any SEO, PPC, or online marketing campaign. In fact, it's generally a good idea to do a fair amount of competitive research before you build a website or even decide what industry or niche to focus your efforts on.

$100 in FREE Text Link Ads!

Check out our new Link Buying Starter Kit and get:

1. A Free Link Buying Guide

2. $100 in Free Text Link Ads

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Mike Moran

Do Your SEO Tactics Work for Everyone?

by Mike Moran

I gave the keynote talk at the SMX Conference in Stockholm today, and what I had to say doesn't jive with what many smart SEO people advise. Basically, I told people that all of the tricks and optimizations and clever tactics are a waste of time for the average marketer. Despite the millions of pixels that have been used to explain all of these clever techniques for worming your way to the top of the search rankings, I think that most search marketers would do better to steer clear of them, because they only work for short period of time....

Mike Fleming

Getting Great Results with PPC Text Ads

by Mike Fleming

I've started powering through David Szetela and Joe Kerschbaum's new PPC book called Pay-Per-Click Search Engine Marketing: An Hour a Day and I really like this PDF they made available online to their readers.  Although it's about classified ads, you can pull direct correlations to apply to your PPC text ads when advertising on search engines.  Really, search engine results pages (SERPs) are just like classified ads except the page is digital instead of paper....

Stoney deGeyter

Be Remarkable: Take That Idea and Own It!

by Stoney deGeyter

Many businesses start an online business because they can. They fail to look at what they can do that is different or remarkable from the ten other guys doing it. This makes for bad business. Who cares if you can do it well! If you can't do it better or more creatively, you might as well get out of the game right now.

Free Report: 10 Commandments of Profitable AdWords Campaigns

Learn from the best, avoid common pitfalls, and get profitable fast.

Recent Conversations In Our Small Business Forum


How To Increase Facebook Numbers

Would You Buy A Facebook Phone

Facebook Now Lets Me Page Ban Fans And Spammers Adds "Like" Feature

Michael Jackson Still Gets 41,245 Fans Everyday

I've Avoided Forums For Years


My Domain Is Too Long

Reversing Keywords In Domain

Page Rank - Internal And External Links


Meal Delivery Business


Small Business Forum Update For September 22, 2010

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$100 in FREE Text Link Ads!

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1. A Free Link Buying Guide

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Monday, September 27, 2010

SES Chicago Early Bird Pricing Expires This Friday, Oct. 1

The Personalized Touch - Targeted Marketing at SES Chicago
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SES Chicago

Early Bird Rate Expires This Friday, October 1
Register Today & SAVE up to $300

Getting Personal With Targeted Messaging

New studies show that when users are connected to brands - be it through mobile devices, social networks or other means - they are more likely to convert. This is because advertisers are leveraging data for more targeted reach and individualized messages and users are responding in big ways.

At SES Chicago our educators have taken notice and have lined up a program tracking trends and strategies for interactive targeting, as well as, illustrating successes and pitfalls with selected case studies. Key areas of focus include:

  • Wireless advertising and location based services
  • Targeting opportunities through Facebook
  • Advanced paid search tactics
  • Retargeting - via display advertising

Did You Know?

A recent comScore and ValueClick Media study found that retargeted display ads delivered a 1,046% lift in searches for brand terms over other media placement strategies.

Retargetting   1,046%
Audience   514%
Premium   300%
Contextual   130%
RON   126%
Efficiency   100%

Are You Doing It Right - FREE Consultant Reviews

Already have a targeted search campaign or program running? Then find out where you can improve upon it through our "Marketing in the Content Networks" clinic. This 1-hour clinic deliver hands-on, classroom style sessions where top consultants review your website offering personalized critiques on your AdSense and contextual ad placements. Get Started »

Early Bird Rates Expire On 10/1/10

  Featured Speakers
Tracy Falke Tracy Falke
Social Media Specialist
Freestyle Interactive
Stacie Susens Stacie Susens
Director of Client Strategy and Development
Resolution Media
Melinda Reese Melinda Reese
Director of Client Strategy and Development
Microsoft Advertising

Agenda Overview

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3

Bruce Clay Training
SEM Training

Networking Events

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Attending Brands Include:
Alcatel Lucent Amway Best Buy Sears
TransUnion Remax Men's Warehouse 3M Hyatt

Sponsored Opportunities
phone: +1 212-457-4993

Registration Questions
phone: +1 800-955-2719

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to change your e-mail address:
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Incisive Media Plc.
120 Broadway, 6th Floor
New York, NY 10271


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Search Engine Guide - For SEO, You Need a Story to Tell

Search Engine Guide

September 22, 2010 - Navigation: Articles - Small Biz Talk

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Mike Moran

For SEO, You Need a Story to Tell

by Mike Moran

I frequently advise clients that the secret to successful search engine optimization is to have content that people really want to find. And, beyond SEO, the secret to a successful site is that the same content makes prospective buyers want to read it, and it persuades them to buy what you are selling. It sounds simple, and for some companies, it is simple, but we often make things more complicated than they are. I find that small and large companies each struggle with this question of what story to tell, but they struggle in different ways...

How to Double Your Sales by Working Less

Doubling your sales is not as hard as you fear if you will just stop doing what isn't working and start taking the approach that actually gets results.

Click here to learn about what DOES work!

Stoney deGeyter

Silos, Architecture, and Linking...Oh My!

by Stoney deGeyter

The optimal time to start consulting with the SEO on a new website is at the very beginning. And, I mean the VERY beginning... when the website is just a sparkle in it's dreamer's eye.

Stone Reuning

Distributing your Press Releases for Maximum Impact - Part III

by Stone Reuning

Creating a properly formatted and well written press release is only half the battle. You have to distribute it through various online channels for it to have much impact. Simply posting it on your site will not do very much. PR distribution outlets get your news out there for the whole world to see....

Mike Fleming

Double Your Paid Search Clicks Without Raising Your Budget

by Mike Fleming

The keyword phrases to use for your PPC account aren't always obvious.  A key to great ROI and customer loyalty is to have customers think that you're the only viable solution to their problem at a given time.  Therefore, the challenge in keyword research is not coming up with keywords.  That's the easy part.  You just scan the website and use the product names and there you go...a keyword list.The challenge is in exploiting markets that become successful that competitors may not have thought of.  That's why it's important to always be practicing keyword discovery and exploring phrases that might...

Recent Conversations In Our Small Business Forum


SEO Vs PPC - The Great Debate

Go Daddy Websites And Optimization


Inexpensive Press Release Sites


Get Top Listings On Google Place


Employees Asking For Money

Zoning Issues And A Home Based Business

5 Myths That Hold Back Potential Small Business Buyers


How Does This Jewelry Business Idea Sound

How About Selling Electronic Products


How To Use Digg


Small Business Forum Update For September 15, 2010

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Free Report: 10 Commandments of Profitable AdWords Campaigns

Learn from the best, avoid common pitfalls, and get profitable fast.

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This newsletter may be freely redistributed by email in its unedited form. We encourage you to share it with others.
© Copyright 2010 K. Clough, Inc. - Search Engine Guide - 17531 Hamilwood Dr. Houston TX 77095

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Thursday, September 16, 2010

SES Chicago - A Brand Marketers Toolbox

4 Sessions No Brand Manager Should Go Without
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SES Chicago

Being a brand marketer is more than just pushing promos and discounts. We have to listen, engage, build relationships, and scope out the competition. We have to make every sale an experience that penetrates beyond a single transaction. And we know it's hard!

So SES Chicago has lined up 4 essential sessions covering the most critical steps to digital brand management.

Check out the full agenda for more.

How Social Media Is Changing Brand Marketing

In the new "State of the Brand Report: Building Buzz, Building Brands" by MiresBall and KRC Research, 52% of marketers believed Social Media provided an opprotunity for brands to reach new customers.

 Agree   52%
 Disagree   27%
 Neutral   21%

Source: MiresBall and KRC Research, "State of the Brand Reports: Building Buzz. Building Brands," Aug 23, 2010

Who Should Attend:

  • CMOs and their Corporate Marketing Teams
  • Brand Managers
  • Small Business Owners
  • Anyone looking for a more competitive advantage for their digital brands
SAVE 15%
On 1-Day Passes Offer Exp 10/1/10

  Featured Speakers
Avinash Kaushik Avinash Kaushik
Analytics Evangelist
Jeffrey Hayzlett Jeffrey Hayzlett
Former CMO
Eastman Kodak Company
Maile Ohye Maile Ohye
Senior Developer Programs Engineer

Agenda Overview

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3

SEO Training

  Get Connected
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Attending Brands Include:
Alcatel Lucent Amway Best Buy Sears
TransUnion Remax Men's Warehouse 3M Hyatt

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phone: +1 212-457-4993

Registration Questions
phone: +1 800-955-2719

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Incisive Media Plc.
120 Broadway, 6th Floor
New York, NY 10271