Thursday, January 8, 2009

Search Engine Guide - Six Lessons from a Wooden Boy


Hi Everyone,

Our first newsletter for 2009 has loads of good stuff so I'll let you get right to it.

Rachel Phillips
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Can I Create a Great PPC Program For You?

by Diana Adams

We regularly get email something similar to this: I'm just one guy running my business. I want a great PPC program and I heard you can cater to someone like me. Can you help me? I typically respond to questions like this very carefully because there isn't a simple yes/no answer. I don't want to provide false hope because yes, I do create great PPC programs, but much of the success is going to depend heavily on the website. Let's look at a few things relevant to the campaigns first....

Six Lessons from a Wooden Boy: Part One: Search Engines Want to be Real Boys

by Jennifer Laycock

It's been more than two and a half years since I first wrote about the "Pinocchio Effect" as a way to explain the ever changing nature of search engine algorithms. Earlier this month, while preparing for the new small business panel at SES Chicago, I read through that old article and realized just how many areas of the Pinocchio story can be applied to online marketing.

Six Lessons from a Wooden Boy: Part Two: Online Reputation Means Straight Talk

by Jennifer Laycock

For as long as there have been web sites, people have posted their thoughts, opinions and rants about people and companies and for as long as there have been search engines, consumers have found and read those thoughts. While it's been several years since companies began to realize the value of tracking and managing their reputations online, the explosion of social media has made online reputation management more complex and necessary than it's ever been before.

Six Lessons from a Wooden Boy: Lesson Three: Don't be a Social Media Jackass

by Jennifer Laycock

There's just something about the anonymity of sitting behind a computer screen that makes people do stupid things. Few but the boldest sales person would walk into a class reunion and try to close a sale with the alumni at their table, even fewer would walk up to a stranger's table at a restaurant to start shilling their offerings. Nonetheless this very thing happens every single day in the realm of social media. People walk smack dab into the middle of conversations and start hocking their wares without a second thought....

Find Your Blog's 'Bigger Idea'

by Mack Collier

Most companies are pretty boring. Most company blogs are pretty boring. And you guessed it, most companies that blog spend way too much time blogging about themselves. So how do you excite readers? By finding your blog's 'bigger idea'.

Big Project/Small Budget: Where to Begin Your SEO Campaign

by Stoney deGeyter

Many businesses owners focusing on SEO for the first time, especially those with limited budgets, can often find themselves caught like a deer in the headlights wondering just where and how to begin. SEO, even for smaller sites, can often be a big project, especially if you're trying to run the business at the same time. The question becomes, how many hours a week can you afford to invest (or pay for,) and what should you do first with the limited time on hand?

SEO Pricing: 5 Things to Consider When Shopping for a SEO

by Stoney deGeyter

If you're a small business shopping around for the right SEO to help you out, there are a lot of things you need to consider before jumping in and hiring a SEO subcontractor or firm. Even if you're on a tighter-than-normal budget--and really, who isn't right about now--you can't shop for SEO simply on costs alone. That's like buying an economy car when you really need a mini-van. You just need to find the mini-van that offers the best features at the right price.

Puppy's Picks - January 5th, 2009

by Jennifer Laycock

I scan hundreds of feeds and read dozens of articles each day so you don't have to. From a great year end compilation of posts to simple reminders of the need to focus on the basics, find out which articles I dubbed as must-read for the small business crowd today.

It's Not Just About Twitter... and How I Bought a Kodak Camera.

by Paul Jahn

So, Twitter happens to be huge right now. There are a ton of articles, Blog posts, and even PDF books on how to use it correctly for different industries. I don't think there's one definitive answer on how to use Twitter, although I can safely say it's important to not forget about other social media options. The whole mix is what can build consumer relationships.

I'm a Google Convert But I Still Want to See Competition in Search

by Stoney deGeyter

Google got to where it is because it earned it. None of the other engines seem to be able to dent that and are losing market share to Google each month. However, I'd be surprised if anybody would notice if Google's results were swapped with MSN's for a week.

Compound Return on Social Media Marketing

by Eric Brown

The Great Debate; What is the ROI (Return on Investment) on your Social Media Marketing. Perhaps a better question is this; Is your Social Media Marketing efforts performing. I am not so convinced that businesses know as much about what piece and part of their traditional marketing approach works well, let alone what part of Social Media works. But, maybe, as with lots of things it isn't all that tough either, tell me what you think about this; ...

XML Sitemaps Are Not All That

by Diane Aull

Oh, dear! According to an unsolicited email I recently received, the Google XML sitemap for one of my websites is "missing." Should I be concerned?...

Can a Broken Sitemap Hurt You?

by Mike Moran

I got an e-mail recently from someone very concerned that his product catalog does not have links to every page on his site from his sitemap, although he has a complete link structure emanating from his home page. Should he beat his programmer about the face and body until he creates a proper sitemap?...

Don't Rush Into Social Media

by Mack Collier

Social Media continues to be the pretty girl at the ball that everyone wants to go dancin' with. But even IF your business can benefit from using social media, make sure you ease into these waters slowly.

Share Your Content with Tell-A-Friend

by Manoj Jasra

I love the new blog widget by SocialTwist called Tell-A-Friend. It's a pretty slick way for my readers to share content via email, instant messenger, social networks and bookmarks. SocialTwist supports numerous platforms, so the implementation was pretty simple - it even worked for Classic Blogger (which is what I am using)....

Beginner's Guide to SEO: Quickie Dos and Don'ts

by Stoney deGeyter

SEO is more of a set of guidelines that can be implemented in a way that allows for individual site customization. Most of it is fluid based on each site's needs for their audience. However within that there are also some basic dos and don'ts that need to be adhered to.

Six Keys to a Viral Message that Sticks - Part Six: Tell a Story

by Jennifer Laycock

I've spent the last month offering up a series of posts based on Chip and Dan Heath's book about viral marketing. In the last article of the series I'll be examining the craft of telling a story. The idea of using a story to make a point stick is an ancient one, going back to Biblical times when parables were used to explain spiritual principles.

Top 500 Search Engine Keywords Of The Week - January 07, 2009

by Wordtracker

This week's list of the top 500 most frequently searched keywords....

4 Tips to Improving Your Site's Ability to Sell, Sell, Sell

by Stoney deGeyter

There are numerous issues that make their way into the visitor's conscious and sub-conscious, most of which must be overcome before they are willing to seal the deal and complete the sale. Here are just a few:

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Sage Lewis

Twitter's Gone Fishin'. . . For Trouble

by Sage Lewis

Sage sports a new studio for the new year.  He's added a white board, art-work, a drum set (yes, you heard me!) and even a camera man.  2009 promises to be full of great new videos.  This week, we learn that even though traffic was up, online holiday sales were down 3%, but the big story comes out of Canada where we learn about a Twitter address security scam that goes "fishing" for your Twitter information....

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In response to... Can I Create a Great PPC Program For You?


Good job at outlining both pre-click and post-click strategies and how they mesh together.

There's so much demand on PPC to deliver ROI but too many people forget that their landing pages have to do the job of closing the deal!

PPC pros will definitely take a liking to this post! (And secretly or not so secretly hope their clients or bosses take notice).

Nicely done!

Xurxo Vidal
Make it Bloom!
News, Views and Insights by Bloom Search Marketing

In response to... Six Lessons from a Wooden Boy: Lesson Three: Don't be a Social Media Jackass

It reminds me of an oft-quoted sales advice: "God gave you two ears and one mouth for a reason".

Listen twice as much as you talk is a good rule of thumb.

Will Scott
Search Influence
Website Promotion is Not Voodoo

In response to... Compound Return on Social Media Marketing

The old method of advertising is interactive marketing. The term is misleading. Most people think it means that there is some type of interaction on the part of the person advertised to, and there is. But, it is not conversational. Instead, the advertiser wants you to interact with their campaign in a specific set of steps. Following the call to action and visiting a website for instance. It's the push to make you do something. Live this image. Buy this now.

Social Media Marketing is just the opposite. It's the pull of the tribe. The tribe already has your trust so the actions they take are ones you align with. On a larger scale, it's the allure of belonging in the group as you take action together. "I am doing this so why don't you do it with me?" On an individual level, the attraction is to behave the same way to get the same results that benefits your fellow tribeswoman or tribesman. "She looks hot! I want to look hot too. I want to go to her hair stylist" and you do. Social Media Marketing uses the power of attraction.

While advertising tries to use the same tactic, with a billboard for instance, of a gorgeous woman telling you the benefits of the salon, it doesn't have the same impact because it's pushing you to go. It is not pulling you in as a trusted friend. Your friends have your best interests at heart and advertisers do not. Social Media Marketing is based on building trust and that foundation will make Social Media a dominant player in Marketing.

Leili McKinley
From Generic to Icon: Internet Branding people can believe in

In response to... Six Lessons from a Wooden Boy: Part Two: Online Reputation Means Straight Talk

Jennifer, Great Post,
For our own small business, and to your point above, we have gained the most powerful feedback when we have dropped the ball. While a simple "I am sorry" does not fix all problems, it is a good start. But most importantly, there is no longer any place to hide. Business must face the truth when slip, and does anyone really expect perfection? I am not in anyway indicating it is OK to be mediocre, it isn't, but sometimes, things just go awry, and when they do, perhaps the most significant piece is how we react, That is what everyone is watching, and may well be your true opportunity to shine.

Eric Brown
Apartment Veteran
Break From Apartment Commodity

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A list of popular small business forum threads from the last week

The Incredible Persuasive Power Of Online Consumer Reviews
Why I Don't Twitter
5 Do's And 5 Don'ts On Social Media With Explanations
12 Blogs You Should Read And What Benefits You Get
Should You Blog
Should The Home Page Link To Itself
Would You Pay To Improve Page Ranking
DMOZ Not Taking My Submission
Is Pay-Per-Click Advertising Killing You
Need Suggestions On Selecting A SSL Certificate Provider
Looking For Ecommerce System
Do You Have A Daily Marketing Schedule
Business Branding Checklist
What Anti-Virus Protection Do You Use
Who Should I Read About
Small Business Forum Update For December 9, 2008

(If you like our search engine news, you'll love our small business news.)

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